Friday, October 31, 2008


Today, she's full of giggles and smiles and is back to being my pretty little bubby!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

what an awfulnight!

zara’s piccie tis morning. lansung xtdo dr kul 3 pg. zara mcm xselesa. Bg susu botol xnak. Tdo jap jap je.bgn kul 3 am ingat kn lapar, bg susu muntahkan balik. Susu or putting dia xnk xtaula.
angkat letak pat blas kali, last last i biar je, mnd, maye pk bj n anta zara umah nan biar je kak peah jg. gi sek continue tdo besh gk ni...

Friday, October 17, 2008

aku ingin bebas

gaya bebas zara bla tdo every nite. mula2 everthin under control lg..

kul 5.30am mummy bgn tdo, tgk dh jd mcm ni. ganas tul puteri papa ni....apala masaalah zara ni dok pk.hmmm..??

ni lg satu gaya ganas zara mummy sempat snap.mula2 proper lg dok atas 2. bla mummy back from kitchen dh jd camni..isk..isk..
aksi ni xleh biar lama2, kena cpat selamatkan b4 terlambat.hehe...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

zara's piccies

some of my tanggungjawab n daily routines:

tummy time (before)

susu kena pk syringe kalo tak memang xnk puting botol. tp ngan syringe pn xjln gk. byk tumpah dr msuk dlm prut.n suapkan gk growell. zara plg sukak air mineral. chot chot dia sdut.mcm best jer...

( after)
it looks she enjoyed her meal.

bath time done

dh bis feeding, pelagi mandikn zara la. she loves her bath and doesnt complaint at all.air terpanas ker, tersejuk ker xnangis pun...hehe... ampum mummy ek..

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

lovely day

All wide-eyed at nappy change time. she was wide awake after being pushed 2 wake up...mummy nk dh lambt nk p skul
smbung tdo umah nan k....akekeke...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

bed time

zara's quite a sucky baby n when not feeding, has either her own fingers or mitten in her mouth. when i see it i know la zzzz....

im noticed she likes music, so i put sound whilst she's having her cloth changed. she just stares off into space as she listens

n e new one, she just has discovered her own hand!!. cm nk juling dia tgk...akekeke

It's a strange mix of being soo excited by all the new things she does and looking forward to seeing what she'll do next and watching she become the lil girl she's going to be...

n being a little sad knowing I'm going to miss all the tiny baby things she won't do anymore as she gets bigger.

Time is just the weirdest thing!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

baby Q

tengkiu yer uncle din! sayang sungguh kat baby Q nih hihi...

Zara is three months and one day old!!

i feel good..
Cant quite get my head around how fast the time goes. My lil zara is getting bigger and bigger every day and changing all the time.

her little footstep

bila nk jln ni?

princess zara

lps mandi, mummy touchup zara

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pak Lang Wan zara

ini ler kali pertama sejak aku dilahirkan pak lang wan memegang aku itu pun sbb maklOng datang campak kat bawah tiak dia tuh hehe.. jdnya aku kena posing maut sket ahh !!

walopon aku baru lepas bad mood sbb baru bangun tido, tp bila dpt bergambar dengan
pak lang wan aku kasik sengeh maut skett laa sbb dia dah adiahkan gelang emas gitu!!

Time nih aku tersenyum simpul tengok Uncle Dinss wat lawak! eh apa yer panggilan untuk dia sebenarnya.. aku kompius sbb dah dengar macam2 gelaran daa...

hmm... boringnya... lama la plak nak kena jaga ati orang tua nih hihihi...

p/s: sume gambar nih ambik time raya arituh 4.10.2008

nota utk papa

i need baby cot la

Thursday, October 09, 2008

buai laju laju...

bdk yg x brape kecik ni mmg sesuai pk bj pink. nmpk sket feminin. kalo x nmpk cm boy plak

sush sgt nk tdo, li la buai tp xnk la plak tdo dlm buai. last2 tdo gk kt tilam busuk dia. serabut tul tgk brg zara bersepah kt umah.kalao dh dok umah sendiri lain la.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


MY Zara dlm dakapan DAVID BECKHAM ?

mainan pertama opah beli tuk zara...Graco Candy Drum!!

biru tgn zara kena cucuk amik drh wat test tyroid.leh cy ke doc 2?

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